
14044477669_16e87f8f34_kInner stillness – this is what I want most in this world. To be at peace with myself, with my actions, with who I am as a person. Inner peace represents for me an ease of living. Hectic as life can be at times, I work toward equanimity in my mind and in my body. But, sometimes this can be difficult.

When life tests my resolve to be at ease, the first thing I do to bring back some sense of serenity in my life is to simply breathe. When I find myself getting anxious, irritated, or overwhelmed by life’s stimuli and I become aware of how my body reflects this unease (a jitteriness, a tightness in my neck and shoulders, or a just a general malaise) I stop. I stop what I’m doing. I stop whatever catastrophic thought might be going through my head that started or continues the spiral of my emotions. Thoughts and emotions that if left unchecked might approach the brink of the uncontrollable.

As I breathe in deeply, I imagine that I’m breathing in vitality. When my lungs are so full of this life, I hold my breath for a couple of seconds and then exhale deeply. As I exhale, I imagine that I’m expelling stress and negativity from my body. My tense muscles have no alternative but to release the tautness. A few cleansing breaths taken in this manner bring me back to my center and provide me with focus and strength to handle, with a cool head, what life has slung my way.

With each cleansing breath I am one step closer to being well-pleased with my actions and reactions. One step closer to inner peace. One step closer to heaven, nirvana, enlightenment.


Photo Credit: Nan Palmero


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