I’m Ready!

3633715401_fef7e799cd_bMy life is being punctuated more and more by death, unexpected death, or at least deaths of people who were way too young.  Just last month I learned of the death of Connie, the first friend I ever had.  We met at age three.  Though I am not absolutely shocked by her passing, it does make me know that the message I gained from losing my folks relatively young – life is short, start living it the way you want, make a plan and get on it – is a valid one.

Connie, fifty, was predeceased by her older brother only six months earlier.  These were people I’d made my earliest memories with.  Now they have passed on, leaving me as the sole keeper of some of their memories.  I read this as further confirmation that it is time for me to go for what I want, plan as much as I can, but let go and go for it, jumping on two instead of three. (Will Smith spoke of skydiving and being pushed out of the plane on the two count because people lose their courage on three).

I am so convinced that it is time for me to start acting, instead of dreaming.  It’s time for me to go for the life I want to live, in the place I want to live it, and with the perfect soul mate to experience it with.  It is time for me to experience my birthright and in the process be that beacon of light and hope for others to do the same.

Photo Credit: Morgan Sherwood

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