A Bird in the Hand

6561872913_4d6fc9fde2_bA bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, unless you are that unlucky bird.

Today I woke up and realized that I am the bird, but not one of the two birds in the bush, the one in the hand. My talents, skills, and abilities and my true purpose have been constricted by my need to have a corporate job.  In essence I am a bird in the hand of my employer and to him I am worth two in the bush.

From the acceptance of my first job as a college graduate, which was a complete and utter nightmare, until this last one I took 2 and1/2 years ago and which I’m still trying to find my way out of, I’ve taken the hunter’s perspective, needing to capture and hold on to something. In the bargain my soul became captive for 27 years. I’d never seen myself as a beautiful winged creature meant to soar high in the sky, a sight to behold and which inspires. Today I see things differently.

All these years later I recognize that I am a bird in the bush, not the one meant for the hand. Belief is stirring in me. Avenues of freedom are being paved and will appear to me posthaste and I’ll be able to soar into the boundless sky, an inspiration to those who witness this miracle, a shift in perception allowing me to spread my wings,  take flight, and soar.

Photo Credit: Tyler Karasewski

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