Mirror Up

144242209_41c092c8bc_o“Honesty is an expensive gift. So don’t expect it from cheap people.” This saying is interesting and it can be applied to oneself. Are you being cheap with yourself? Are you saying one thing to other people and even to yourself while exhibiting the completely opposite behavior sometimes only a minute or two after saying what you thought was the right and acceptable thing? If you are not ready to look at yourself in the mirror and be truthful with yourself, then you are cheating yourself out of the best gift there is in the world. I say this from my own personal  experience as well as from my observations of others. When people say they believe one thing or that they are living in a certain way it makes me sad for them. I’m  not quite sure what the motivation is for the falsehood but I think it comes from wanting to be accepted and loved.

It makes me sad.  And when  I’m not in my most loving space it annoys me. My annoyance comes from my thought that they are thinking I’m not smart enough to see the duality in their words and actions.

A friend of mine has alluded to the idea that he takes things in stride even when things don’t turn out as planned. But I have witnessed him spouting platitudes to this effect when only minutes earlier he was highly agitated, impatient, and rude because things had not gone according to his plan.

Knowing that living a struggle-free life (working toward things without effort laced with negative  emotions) and actually living one are two different animals  and it’s  painful to watch someone express the beauty and ease of living this way while not being able to embody it.

Needing acceptance is a powerful thing. It’s impossible to eliminate it completely until a person accepts oneself fully and unconditionally. And the only way I know to do this is to take those searing looks at self in that harsh mirror of truth and love what you see anyway. There is always opportunity to improve on oneself, but accepting is the first step toward truth and a struggle-free existence.

Photo Credit: Edward Simpson

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