
16033882574_9ee7ad109a_kFor my life coaching class I’ve been asked to complete a life review. This is a series of questions meant to give me deeper insight into myself. It’s quite extensive and I was able to answer most of the questions without much thought because my journaling is in effect a life review. But there was one question I had to mull over for a bit to find the answer. The question was, “What were the three most important synchronistic or coincidental events of your life?”

I believe in fate and recently I have been noticing more coincidental events in my life. And these synchronicities seem to be guiding me, divining for me my path forward. They are reassurances that I’m headed in the right direction. But when this question was put to me, not even one coincidence came to mind. So I skipped the question and planned to come back to it later, hoping that I would be able to remember the three most significant ones.

Later as I thought about it I managed to sort through those coincidences which were merely interesting accounts from those that were truly life-affirming. The first one that came to mind was when I found out my mother would be going home to die under hospice care. I was upset, a bit resigned, and anxious for what the next two or three months would hold for me, my mom, and my brother; so I asked God for mercy for all of us during that unbearably painful period. Not a week later my mother’s live in aid was assigned and was introduced to us. Her name was Mercy. I kid you not. This gave me pause, a lot of pause. In that moment I knew deep down that I was not in this life alone and that God would get me through, with a touch of humor, whatever was set in front of me. This changed my belief in God to a knowing in God. Amazing!

My second synchronistic event is that lately life seems to be really cooperating with me. I am witnessing this unfamiliar state of living as obstacles blocking my path are moved aside with no effort on my part – getting a new boss with whom I work much better, being given more supporting roles in the projects to which I am assigned, allowing me to have more energy to focus elsewhere, and a having a work bully suddenly realize my value and decide to work with me in a non-abusive, even friendly way. Just a few examples of obstacles which miraculously disappeared. Their significance goes beyond making my life more struggle free, it points me toward a deeper awareness and understanding of the unknowable, that force that exists and which guides us, whether we are aware of it or not.

Finally the third coincidence which I decided to list on my life review has not completely played itself out yet. But it guides me and so I included it. On my daily walks I listen to French language tapes. Each lesson has a story. There is one story in particular where a man leaves the United States to live in France and becomes a writer. Hello, c’est mon rêve aussi! The first time I listened to that lesson a seed was planted with the idea that it might be possible for me to live this dream. I was amazed and wondered how this story was developed and how I came to pick this particular set of language tapes to learn from at this very point in my life. Though my dream has not come to fruition this story, this coincidence, has been instrumental in expanding what I believe my realm of my possibilities to be.

I’ve been made aware of mercy, of cooperation, and of dreaming big dreams by these chance happenings. They have deepened my spiritual fervor and my trust in the perfection of all things.

Photo Credit: Maxime Raynal

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