Undying Dreams

546651740_869697570e_oNothing is coincidental – from my seemingly instant instinctual drive to move to a French-speaking country, to the animals that litter my path (both living and dead), to the unrewarding relationships with friends that are severed with no action on my part – nothing is coincidental.

I just listened to an interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton and he validated for me some ideas I just knew deep down were real. We are our genes and to a certain degree our fate is shaped by them, but we are also our beliefs which can have a greater impact in shaping our destiny.

I have said out loud to myself and to others that I feel like I’m living the parts of my parents’ lives they left unfinished. My sudden deep desires to speak French, to travel to French-speaking countries, and to write are things my parents desired, so how is it that these ambitions have latched on to me? Dr. Lipton made it clear – it’s written in my genes. If I wanted to go down another path I could; however, I would need to change my beliefs, many of which I learned from my parents, on a subconscious level.

The question I still have is, how is it that now, all of a sudden I have their dreams if it was written in my DNA all along? Did it take the absence of my parents’ ability to fulfill their dreams, their deaths, for their aspirations to take root in me? Or, did these dreams, our dreams, require a certain amount of awareness on my part for them to be activated and for me to start moving toward their attainment? Whichever is the case, I can’t deny the overwhelming influence and control that my parents’ unspoken desires, are exerting on me. It’s undeniable.

Photo Credit: Mohamed Muha

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