Drain vs. Gain

5751301741_aa8463e472_bI’m starting to really weigh the opportunity cost of spending my time in one pursuit versus another. I’m making smarter decisions about what I spend my time doing and I have little, if any, guilt about saying “no” to things or questioning the value of entering into new relationships, going to dinner with people, or spending time vegging out in front of the TV.

Is this relationship going to be worth  the time and energy I put in or will I end up feeling drained and empty? What am I hoping to come away from a dinner with old friends with? Is the return worth the investment of my time and energy? Drain vs. gain comes into play here.

I know it might sound cold and unfriendly to weigh things like this, but it is less surgical than it sounds, especially now that I’ve started listening to my intuition. If the event or activity feels right, if I am not having a sinking feeling of dread, if I feel compelled that moving forward with the idea is beneficial, then I do it guilt free.

The same is true in reverse .  If I have a tinge of dread or questions of how I’m going to maintain a good energy, I stop to think how my time would be best spent.

Sometimes there are things in life that I have to do or reap unwanted consequences. I can’t simply apply this drain vs gain model . In those times I center myself, breathing in deeply and exhaling deeply. I pray for openness and awareness that I can take away one positive thing or learn something new in engaging in the activity I must participate in.

As I move closer and closer to my dream of being a financially successful entrepreneur, these obligations lessen. The ones that remain get easier to stomach. I’m doing things for myself now; the payoff will soon be here. I find comfort in envisioning my eventual destiny.

Photo Credit: Winnifredxoxo

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